Abstract—The following article investigates organizational characteristics within business agility. In order to achieve success, companies with business agility implemented through governed self-organization must prioritize corporate structure and culture. If they do not, that may prevent the implementation of agility altogether. In the end, we will comparatively analyze case studies of the Morning Star and «VkusVill» companies and discover that agile management is the basis for business growth. This presentation is directed at those who conduct research in the modern strategic management field, as well as business representatives searching for a conceptual verification for the implementation of agility in their business practice.
Index Terms—Business agility, agile management, governed self-organization, organizational structure, organizational culture.
Alexander Obydenov is with the Department of Management and Innovation, Financial University, Moscow, Russia (e-mail: alexander.obydenov@gmail.com).
Cite:Alexander Obydenov, "Organizational Aspects of Business Agility," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 375-378, 2022.
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