Abstract— Nowadays, Franchise business is the contribution of income to the economy of developing countries. Especially, among small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) have taken opportunities for developing a business. Hence, the big challenge to franchise system is how to position the business and clearly differentiate it from more competitors. This study is undertaken to investigate the franchisees’ satisfaction, which is a measurement of franchisors’ performance. In particular, how franchisor can better manage their franchisees so as to ensure sustainability of their franchisees. It is also established that the perceived franchisor support mediates the relationship between relationship marketing and franchisors’ performance. 111 Thai franchisors in food and beverage of Thailand, this will match to their franchisees. 80 questionnaires were collected from franchisees that represent a 72.07% response rate. The results of this study have presented evidence that perceived franchisor support (PFS) is the contribution in the franchise business system. The mediating effect of PFS is the key structure of franchisors’ performance to keep in touch for future success in the franchise system.
Index Terms— Franchisors’ performance, franchisee satisfaction, perceived franchisor support (PFS) and relationship marketing.
Khanungnit Hnuchek is with Hatyai University, Thailand (e-mail: khanit_k@hotmail.com).
Ishak Ismail and Hasnah Haron are with University Sains Malaysia, USM, 11800 Pular Penang, Malaysia (e-mail: iishak@usm.my, hhasnah@usm.my).
Cite: Khanungnit Hnuchek, Ishak Ismail, and Hasnah Haron, " Franchisors’ Relationship Marketing and Perceived Franchisor Support on Franchisors’ Performance: A Case of Franchise Food and Beverage in Thailand," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 117-122, 2013.