Abstract— The aim of this article is to show difficulties in creating value for the customer on international scale. The conditions on host markets manifest themselves in, for instance, an array of standardization barriers and diversified value perception among customers. As an example of those difficulties to create both cohesive and fitted CRM on international scale some empirical results are shown and discussed here (gathered by questionnaire distribution among Polish customers and enterprises) showing how different can be perception of value by customers and enterprises on the same market and then how ineffective the whole CRM and CSM between customers and companies can be.
Index Terms— Value for customer, MNCs, host market, CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
B. Stępień is with the Poznań University of Economics (e-mail: beata.stepien@ue.poznan.pl).
Cite: B. Stępień, " Creating Value for Customers on International Scale-from Host Country Perspective," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 129-133, 2013.