Abstract— Many scholars interested in environmental management discuss it from different aspects; the overwhelming majority of companies are trying to implement environmental management from theoretical point of view into everyday situations. It is important to underscore the fact that environmental management is a concept used every bit as theory as in practice in different aspects from different point of views. The similar case exists in concepts of management, organization and quality; the content of environmental management is dealt with insufficiently examined theory basis and also the interpretation and use in business practice is not systematical and consistent. In our research we propose a model of recycling isolating materials, made of hard polyurethane and lightweight concrete, with aggregates containing expanded glass as an innovative construction material- green lightweight composite. The scope of the aforementioned model is to plan production processes without waste and to improve energy efficiency in buildings. The model proposed solution enables a process alternative to be enhanced in sustainable development. Composites characteristics of density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity are changing in dependency of the type and part of waste as well as the type and part of fresh binding components. Method shows great possibilities for increasing use of construction waste isolating materials from hard polyurethane and lightweight concrete with aggregates containing expanded glass in order to benefit from better use of available capacity of existing construction waste.
Index Terms— Composite, environmental management, innovation, system thinking.
Davorin Kralj is with the Institute for Creative Management, Slovenia, Europe (e-mail: davorin.kralj@amis.net).
Cite: Davorin Kralj, Esat Gashi, and Anita Kovac Kralj, " Green Environmental Protection as a Result of Systems Thinking," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 295-299, 2013.