Abstract—It has been close to 15 years since the word ERP has been used in the Indian market. The Indian ERP market is currently estimated to be worth Rs 40, 0000 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25 percent in the next 3-4 years. Avery high failures rate of ERP, 93% (approx) makes it a very critical issue which needs an immediate attention. Less work has been done to evaluate the quality of ERP in its operative phase in Indian Industries. The authors have proposed a systematic design of quality evaluation method, in order to investigate the quality of ERP in Indian Industries. Four quality factors namely usability, functionality, reliability and efficiency have been considered to evaluate the ERP to measure the quality from the user’s point of view. By combining the outcome of each factor, we find out the Global Quality Preference of the ERP in that industry. ISO/IEC 9126 has been used as a base model for this work.
Index Terms—Quality, evaluation, usability, functionality, reliability, efficiency, ERP.
The authors are with National Institute of Technology Raipur, India (e-mail: Surajmukti@yahoo.com, priyanka_tripathi@hotmail.com).
Cite:Suraj Kumar Mukti, Priyanka Tripathi, and A. M. Rawani, "A Framework for Investigating the ERP System Quality from Users Point of View in Indian Industries," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 310-313, 2013.