Abstract—The article aims at pointing out the complex relationship between a MNE’s leadership, focus and importance of organizational learning in the context of a successful internationalization process. Leadership’s direction and vision from a learning organization perspective is looked as methodical and synthetic theoretical modes are intersected. The results of such junction bring to the forefront the relationship between the degrees of voluntarism’s subscribed to by a firm in the context of organizational learning and the latter’s impact upon a firm’s internationalization related processes. In graphic form it is advanced that a firm needs to progress from organizational learning to a learning organization and based on this transition should follow with internationalization decisions. Just as the title suggests the paper also presents the theoretical scaffold for internationalization and organizational learning.
Index Terms—Internationalization, organizational learning, learning organization, voluntarism.
F. Cotae is with International Business at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada (e-mail fcotae@mtroyal.ca).
Cite:Frank F. Cotae, "Organizational Learning and the Internationalization Sigmoid," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 355-359, 2013.