Abstract—In this study it’s aimed to determine the effects of user comments to build trust in virtual environments. 350 people existing of students and employees were selected from Sakarya University. The data gained from the sample size, analyzed with factor analysis, t-test and analysis of variance (anova). When the results obtained from analysis evaluated, the conclusion that user comments decrease the uncertainty and affect trust perception has been reached.
Index Terms—E-Commerce, user comments, consumer electronics, e-trust, e-security.
E. Yıldırım is with the Business Administration of Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey (e-mail: emreyildirim@sakarya.edu.tr).
Cite:Emre Yıldırım, "The Effects of User Comments on e-Trust: An Application on Consumer Electronics," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 360-364, 2013.