Abstract—In the paper we propose the conceptual modeling of information systems within the framework of contemporary information security policies. The paper presents the basic characteristics and requirements of contemporary information security policies with regard to the similarities of approach among different sectors of society and with regard to the differences comparing to the traditional security approach in the closed environment. Key factors of information security policies: people, process, technology, are increasingly related to the requirements and restrictions imposed on the certain type of information. This is the reason that the approach to the information systems is introduced through the security requirements for information handling, both in the local environment and within the global environment of cyberspace. The important issue of organizational framework is also elaborated, and the modeling process is done with regard to both global and local environment. The approach that is proposed in the paper consists of the elaboration of hierarchical taxonomy of the terms within the defined information security policy domain. It is followed by the analysis of these domain terms with a view to transform them into concepts grouped into subsystems. Finally, these concepts are used to design conceptual model based on the standard UML class diagrams. This formal and structured approach is presented in the paper. It is based on the overview of our research results in the part of information system conceptualization. The research goal is to encompass the influence of the contemporary environment on the information systems and other information security policy factors, in order to use it for the modeling purposes and with the final goal to improve policy planning and implementation processes in different legal and governmental entities.
Index Terms—Conceptual modeling, cyberspace, information security policy, information system, UML model.
A. Klaic is with the Office of the National Security Council, Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail: aleksandar.klaic@public.carnet.hr).
M. Golub is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail: marin.golub@fer.hr).
Cite:Aleksandar Klaic and Marin Golub, "Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems within the Information Security Policies," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 371-376, 2013.