Abstract—This paper presents a study on an IT function of a private university in Malaysia and aims to assess the IT operations using an IT Governance framework which is COBIT 4.1 . The goal of the study is to assess the ‘as-is’ situation of the IT function and using the result obtained to provide recommendation to the IT function. Selected employees from each department were interviewed and analysis of the data obtained from the interviews of the entire four units of the IT function was carried out. As a result, the use of possible IT governance is presented based on recommendation from the analysis conducted.
Index Terms—Governance, campus setting, IT function, COBIT 4.1.
A. Abdul Latif and N. Hanifi are with the Department of Information Systems, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia (e-mail: aliza@uniten.edu.my, izzati@uniten.edu.my).
Cite:A. Abdul Latif and N. Hanifi, "Analyzing IT Function Using COBIT 4.1 – A Case Study of Malaysian Private University," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 406-408, 2013.