Abstract—The competition of the hotel industry in China has
become increasingly intensive because of the massive influx of
international hotel chains and overbuilding of native hotels.
This paper examines a total of 207 hotel print advertisements of
China with the method of content analysis. Most of the
headlines of the advertisements are vague phrases and company
names. Each advertisement contains an average of 4.38
information cues, and the most popular cues are customer care,
and public area & facilities. Illustrations are common used in
Chinese hotel advertisements. The interiors of hotel without
people as well as the staff of the hotels and customers are
frequently used as illustrations. The research results suggest
that Chinese hotel marketers should make good use of more
effective and attractive headlines such as the third party
endorsement and statistics. As consumers are paying more and
more attention on the corporate social responsibility of the
business organization, hoteliers should consider the publicity of
their corporate social responsibility activities when preparing
their advertisement plan.
Index Terms—Hotel advertisement, Chinese hotel, content
analysis, information content.
Li Ying Zhou and Han Xing are with the Lanzhou University, China
(e-mail: hanx2007@lzu.edu.cn).
Cite: Li Ying-Zhou and Han Xing, "A Content Analysis of Hotel Advertisements in China," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 188-193, 2015.