Abstract—There have been so many effort have been done to reduce poverty. The poor has decreased. However, it is still remain vulnerable. The existence of economic turmoil, such as crop failure and rising fuel prices would quickly raise up poverty. The empowerment of the poor is done uniformly and pay less attention to the character of the poor, especially their the social psychology character. High economic growth often ignores the poor and marginalized. Therefore, inclusive growth can play an important role in alleviating poverty. This research is supposed to identify the social phsycology character of the productive poor, local wisdom related to poverty reduction, as well as develop a model of self-helping program for poverty alleviation. This study identified two groups of poor who has different social psychology character. The first group is the group of the poor who tend to accept poverty as destiny. This group considers that education is not important and subsistence work. This group tend to be found in rural which has low levels of mobility, and the people tend to be homogeneous. Secondly, the groups of poor who believe that poverty can be changed. They argue that the key factor to get out of poverty is education. Most of them set aside part of their income to live better in the future. This group tend to be found in urban which has high levels of mobility, and people are more likely heterogeneous
Index Terms—Empowerment, inclusive growth, productive poor, poverty alleviation, social phsycology.
MG. Westri Kekalih Susilowati and Angelina Ika Rahutami are with the Faculty of Economics and Business Soegijapranata Chatolic University Semarang, Indonesia (email: mgwestrie@yahoo.com, a_rahutami@yahoo.com)
A. Rachmad Djati Winarno is with the Faculty of Phsycology Soegijapranata Chatolic University Semarang, Indonesia (e-mail: rdwinarno@yahoo.com).
Cite: MG. Westri Kekalih Susilowati, Angelina Ika Rahutami, and A. Rachmad Djati Winarno, "The Development of Self- Helping Model for Poverty Alleviation on the Productive Poor Group," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 725-730, 2015.