Abstract—UAE, the world’s eighth biggest oil producer, maintains a free-market economy with minimum restrictions on private-sector activities, international trade and capital movements. In spite of the impact of the global economic recession, the UAE’s economy has proved to be remarkably flexible. In this paper we will see that UAE Economy is one of the most diversified economies between the Arab countries because it’s not just relying on oil, it has also so many important sectors which play a big role in the Economic development of the country like Trade and tourism, and in this paper we will see the role of non-oil Exports in the Economic diversification.
Index Terms—Economic diversification, non-oil exports, trade, UAE.
M. Hazem Shayah is with the School of Economics,Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China (e-mail: mhsh85@ hotmail.com).
Cite: M. Hazem Shayah, "Economic Diversification by Boosting Non-Oil Exports (Case of UAE)," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 735-738, 2015.