Abstract— Housing financing is one of the important mechanisms that should be considered by all groups to meet housing needs. Housing financing problems do not only face by the low-income groups, but also medium income. There are various government initiatives implemented to help the population, especially for the bumiputera to own a house. However, due to low purchasing power and difficulties in obtaining financing facilities affected the bumiputera afford to own a house according to their eligibility. Thus, this paper presents the overview of the problems and factors that influenced a bumiputera buyer to obtain financing facilities. Data and information are collected through questionnaires and the data gathered then be analyzed by using descriptive analysis, Cross Tabulation and Correlation Analysis by using SPSS software.The main factors influencing bumiputera problems to secure housing financing facilities are house prices too high; banking restrictions; high expenditure patterns and housing policies.
Index Terms— Housing finance, financing, house price, bumiputera, income.
The authors are with the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia (e-mail: azizahismail15@yahoo.com, ahamadariffian@utm.my, wilson.rangga@live.com, hasmah@utm.my, nadzrijaafar@utm.my).
Cite: A. Ismail, A. A. Bujang, W. R. Anthony Jiram, H. Abu Zarin, and M. N. Jaafar, " Factor Affecting the Housing Financing of Bumiputera in Iskandar Malaysia," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 1031-1036, 2015.