Abstract— Initially, information related to the importance of accounting education, Bologna process and accounting system in Turkey were provided in this study. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the current condition and contemporary issues in accounting courses which are given at undergraduate level in Turkey. So as to achieve this purpose, public and private (or called foundation) universities in Turkey, which have business administration department in their faculties, are examined in detail, business administration departments curriculums are obtained from web addresses of those universities, and related accounting courses of business administration departments are determined. In this context, initially, the lists of accounting courses in business administration departments are arranged and Bologna Process is evaluated. According to the results, it is realized that there are considerable differences in accounting courses between public and private universities. Depending upon our analysis, it is concluded that university based accounting education is quite significant in Turkey as an IFAC member for professional accountants who meet the requirements of standards, improve the quality of accounting, and make courses internationally adopted.
Index Terms— Accounting education, accounting courses, Bologna, department of business administration, Turkish universities.
The authors are with the Hitit University/ FEAS/ Department of Business Administration, Çorum, Turkey (e-mail: yasinseker@hitit.edu.tr, habibakdogan@hitit.edu.tr).
Cite: Yasin Şeker and Habib Akdoğan, " The Status Analysis of Accounting Courses in Turkish Universities," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 1093-1096, 2015.