The individualist versus collectivist culture dimension has been frequently used for distinguishing Asian cultures from Western ones, and has proven to be useful as a means of understanding cross-cultural differences. Many researches have been supported this viewpoint by founding that for the same product, the symbolic association and the preferred color can vary considerably from one culture to another.
The study examined the relationships between cultural dimensions and evaluative criteria possessed and used by consumers when comparing and buying luxury fashion products.
This research elicited the key factors contributing to brand choice in the retailing context and measured the impact of both psychological and environmental factors on product perception. Although it has been argued in the literature that in Asian societies, and specifically those influenced by Confucianism, a person’s attitudes are greatly affected by the social influences of group conformity and face-saving pressures, current research have some contradictory findings.
The results reveal that Taiwanese consumers tend to give more importance to experiential needs than social cultural factors. The relationship or social affiliation values did not affect consumers’ purchase motivation for luxury products in this study. The results also demonstrated that consumer variations in cultural orientations with diverse demographic backgrounds. In conclusion, even in collectivistic cultures, the influences of groups and social norms may vary across segments, and even more their attitudes.
Index Terms—
Consumer behavior, consumer value, luxury product, market segmentation.
Yi-Chang Yang is with Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (email:
Yi Chang Yang, "
Cultural Influence on Consumers’ Product Evaluation," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 5, pp.
347-352, 2016.