The origin of green consumption was aroused by the understanding of crisis of the deterioration of resources and the environment. Therefore, the enterprise or manufacturer has to provide a greener product and service in order to comply with the changing of consumer purchasing behavior. The concept of the technology acceptance model was referred to in this study. Through the combination of the theory of planned behavior and service quality, we consider research variables which involve the tangible and intangible products or services in the consumption process at the same time. Then we propose a concrete and feasible green consumer acceptance model and hope to explore the key factors for green consumption behavior so as to provide important reference basis for academia and practice in sustainable services planning issues. The design of the questionnaire was conducted by the item analysis of the pretest. The total recovery of 598 valid questionnaires was collected. The Amos structural equation model was used to carry out the statistics and path analysis. The empirical analysis results showed that green-consumption attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control had positive impacts on service quality. Green subjective norms had a positive effect on satisfaction. Service quality had a positive effect on satisfaction. Service quality had a positive effect on behavior intention. Behavioral intention toward actual behavior showed a positive impact.
Index Terms—
Green consumption, theory of planned behavior, technology acceptance model, service quality, satisfaction.
The authors are with the Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University, Taichung City, Taiwan (e-mail: michaelhsu@thu.edu.tw, kai@thu.edu.tw, sueming@thu.edu.tw, tititacer@thu.edu.tw).
Wei-Che Hsu, Kai-I Huang, Sue-Ming Hsu, and Chih-Hsuan Huang, "
A Study of Behavioral Model on Green Consumption," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 5, pp.
372-377, 2016.