Paper deals with actual topic concerning connection between the freight transportation, which is very important part of complex international supply chains and its impact on the Slovak transport policy in future. However, today with growing challenges in our European transportation system, we must avoid that transportation becomes the weakest link in the chain, and threatens the efficiency of conception, production, and distribution of our products. This is the reason why people responsible for logistics and supply chains have a keen interest in understanding today’s transportation challenges. As the final user of freight transport, they want to participate in the debate and in new ideas on the future of the European transport system. The aim of the paper is to assess the impact of European Freight Transport Strategy and Policy on the development of Logistics in the Slovak Republic in context of integration for intermodal transport. Partial aims are to present European Freight Transport Policy in Future and to analyze new forms of organizing intermodal freight transport and in this context we focused on the situation of logistics centers development in Slovakia. In research we used methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, description, explanation. The result is an assessment of the state of development of logistic centres in the Slovak conditions as a prerequisite for modern logistics solutions and identification of the causes of major shortcomings in this field.
Index Terms—
Transport strategy, logistics, logistics center, intermodal transport.
The authors are with the Department of Economics, Faculty of the Operation and Economics of the Transportation, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia (e-mail: pavel.ceniga@fpedas.uniza.sk, viera.sukalova@fpedas.uniza.sk).
P. Ceniga and V. Sukalova, "
The Impact of European Freight Transport Strategy on the Slovak Republic in the Context of Logistics," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 5, pp.
384-389, 2016.