This paper analyzed the co-opetitors' (suppliers, customers, complementors, and alliance partners) influence on the definition and changes to architecture by examining the development of technological systems in Industry-University-Government alliances (IUG alliance) before industrialization. The approach is combined with the insights from a case study into managing the Next Generation Energy and Social System Demonstration Project in Japan based on the IUC alliance.
From the analysis this paper finds that the technological architecture types are different depending on the technological development stages, notably, the technological logic in early stage, technological capability, stability and the opinions and knowledge of alliance members in development and refinement stages. This paper also discusses effect of the effectiveness and efficiency for the mass production in the final stage to the type of architecture.
Index Terms—
Architecture innovation, changing the type of architecture, influential factors, alliance.
Y. Koh is with the Hirao School of Management at Konan University, Hyogo, Japan (e-mail: youngjae0310@gmail.com).
Youngjae Koh, "
Factors Influencing Establishment and Changes to the System Architecture of Industry-University-Government Alliances," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 5, pp.
390-394, 2016.