The purpose of this study is to improvement a deep understanding of the issues which effect the adoption and practice of ICT by SMEs in Bangladesh. This Study observes the association between ICT adoption and its five factors which are perceived benefits, perceived cost, ICT knowledge, external pressure and government support. The consequences of this Study show that three factors inspected are significantly vital to the adoption of ICT whereas perceived cost and outer pressure are found to be unimportant in determining its adoption. This Study provides a better understanding of SME’s awareness about ICT adoption in their provision corporate field. Those SMEs who are interested in endorsing their business on online may find these findings as helpful in guiding their efforts.
Index Terms—
Bangladesh, chittagong, Dhaka, ICT, SMEs.
Mahadi Hasan Miraz is with School of Quantitative Sciences (SQS), Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: mahadimiraz1@gmail.com)
Md. Mamun Habib is with BRAC School of Business (BBS), BRAC University, Bangladesh (e-mail: mamunhabib@bracu.ac.bd)
Mahadi Hasan Miraz and Md. Mamun Habib, "
ICT Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Evidence of Service Sectors in Bangladesh," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 8, pp.
482-485, 2016.