Occupational Health and Safety has been an important topic both in World and Turkey in recent years. Regulations and preventions are becoming more of an issue from day to day. Turkey is a country which is dealing with occupational health and safety problems a lot. According to Social Security Institution, 1360 death cases deriving from occupational accidents are observed in 2013. In production-based companies, occupational accidents are occurring frequently. As a result of this, companies are trying to decrease the number of the occupational accidents with taking required cautions in order not to experience it.
The scope of this paper is to investigate the risks in terms of occupational health and safety in one of the biggest electric electronic company located in Turkey and offer a solution to the problem which is found at the end of the study. Furthermore, a detailed research study about occupational health and safety and risk evaluation methods have been included in this study. There are two kind of risk analysis methods which are qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Both of these methods are analyzed in the study in detail. However, in order to obtain a discernable result, the quantitative method which the selected company is using has been examined and another suitable quantitative method has been selected. In light of this information, risk analysis and evaluation method for the company has been appraised and solutions have been presented in this study.
Index Terms—
OHSAS, risk analysis and evaluation, electric electronic company, qualitative and quantitative methods.
The authors are with the Istanbul Technical University, Management Faculty, Management Engineering Department, Istanbul, 34367 Turkey, (e-mail: camgozakdag@itu.edu.tr, aybuke.uysal@gmail.com, ugurr.sezgin@gmail.com).
Hatice Camgöz Akdağ, K. Aybüke Uysal, and Uğur Sezgin, "
Risk Analysis for Occupational Health and Safety and Risk Improvement: A Case Study in an Electric Electronic Company," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 9, pp.
515-522, 2016.