Abstract— Due to the current scenario of economic and technological development based on knowledge and innovation, young entrepreneurs and startups have become a key characteristic on the markets. Universities, in turn, assume the role of entrepreneurs when they create new ventures from teaching and research efforts and start to become relevant for regional economic e technological development. This paper presents the different aspects of the ‘Entrepreneurial University’, highlighting among the literature different approaches about its concepts and criteria for characterization. The study was conducted from a systematic literature review on scientific bases. A total of 361 papers were found, and after applying filters, 80 of these were analyzed. As a result, are presented quantitative analysis about the bibliographic production, and the main concepts present in the literature. Thus, this article contributes to a better understanding of what entrepreneurial universities are, and how it is possible to characterize them.
Index Terms— Entrepreneurial university, innovation, literature review, academic entrepreneurship, higher education.
The authors are with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (e-mail: c.eduardo@macae.ufrj.br, festeves@biologia.ufrj.br, ramon.narcizo@lei.uff.br, rodolfo.cardoso@lei.uff.br).
Cite: Carlos Eduardo L. Silva, Francisco de Assis Esteves, Ramon B. Narcizo, and Rodolfo Cardoso, " Concepts and Criteria for the Characterization of the Entrepreneurial University: A Systematic Literature Review," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 6, no.3, pp. 65-71, 2018.