• ISSN: 2301-3567 (Print), 2972-3981 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: J. Econ. Bus. Manag.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/JOEBM
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Eunjin Hwang
    • Executive Editor: Ms. Fiona Chu
    • Abstracting/ Indexing:  CNKIGoogle ScholarCrossref
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    • E-mail: joebm.editor@gmail.com
JOEBM 2018 Vol.6(3): 105-112 ISSN: 2301-3567
DOI: 10.18178/joebm.2018.6.3.558

Factors Affecting Organization Customer Word of Mouth towards B2B Professional General Insurance Services in Vietnam

Nguyen Xuan Nhi, Bui Quang Thong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, and Le Thi Thao Linh

Abstract— Word-of-mouth behavior of organization customer is a field that has not been empirically validated in insurance studies and literature so that further exploration and research are still required. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the factors directly affecting organization customer word-of-mouth towards business-to-business professional general insurance services in Vietnam. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied to this study with in-depth interviews, focus group interviews and expert interviews in insurance industry and then structured questionnaires were distributed to 547 clients of insurers that offer business-to-business general insurance services. The empirical results of this research indicated that four out of seven factors, namely interpersonal skills, technology, reliability, and risk coverage are the drivers of organization customers’ word-of-mouth. These variables could explain for 52.6% of the variation in the word-of-mouth behavior of organization customer. This result implied a strong influence of those variables on organization customer word-of-mouth in Vietnamese business-to-business general insurance services context.

Index Terms— Word-of-mouth, b2b professional services, Vietnamese general insurance.

Nguyen Xuan Nhi is with the School of Business International University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Faculty of Administration and Law Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam (e-mail: nxnhi@ntt.edu.vn). Bui Quang Thong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, and Le Thi Thao Linh are with the School of Business International University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (email: bqthong@hcmiu.edu.vn, mnkhuong@hcmiu.edu.vn, thaolinhle.hcmc@gmail.com).


Cite: Nguyen Xuan Nhi, Bui Quang Thong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, and Le Thi Thao Linh, "Factors Affecting Organization Customer Word of Mouth towards B2B Professional General Insurance Services in Vietnam," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 6, no.3, pp. 105-112, 2018.

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