Abstract—National defense patent refer to invention patents that involve national defense interests and have a potential role in national defense construction and require confidentiality. They are a special patent division in Chinese patents. This article expounds the characteristics of national defense patents, the purpose of national defense patent value evaluation, and the classification of national defense patent value. Based on the characteristics of national defense patents, this article proposes a national defense patent value evaluation model, which can quickly and quickly evaluate the value of national defense patents.
Index Terms—National defense patent, values evaluation.
Xinghua Lu and Zhixin Ma are with the Army Engineering University, China (e-mail: 907229834@qq.com).
Cite:Xinghua Lu and Zhixin Ma, "The Research on National Defense Patent Values Evaluation," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 87-92, 2019.