Abstract—Energy as a strategic sector of the economy of any country has a significant impact on its socio-economic determinants of development. It is also a sector of the economy with a negative impact on the natural environment and, hence, on human health. Thus, it directly affects the level and quality of life of citizens. The aim of the article is therefore to present possible social attitudes towards energy management problems in highly developed countries.
Index Terms—Energy, social attitudes, developed countries.
Grzegorz Maśloch is with the Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Local Government Economy and Financing, Madalińskiego 6/8, 02-513 Warsaw, Poland (e-mail: gmaslo@sgh.waw.pl).
Cite:Grzegorz Maśloch, "The Role and Importance of Social Awareness in Energy Management in Highly Developed Countries ," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 80-85, 2020.
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