Abstract—Disruptive innovation has gradually become one of the focuses of entrepreneurship research. Based on the comprehensive perspective of resource-based view and dynamic capabilities view, this study analyzed the relevant literature, built a theoretical model of entrepreneurial bricolage, dynamic capabilities and disruptive innovation, and extracted relevant propositions. This research provides new insights into the development of disruptive innovation theory and the strategic management practices of entrepreneurial enterprises.
Index Terms—Disruptive innovation, entrepreneurial bricolage, dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurial enterprises.
Cao Ning, Miao Xiaoming, and Shang Tiantian are with Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an Shaanxi, China (email: 13837977762@139.com, 1078086536@qq.com, 877543483@qq.com).
Cite:Cao Ning, Miao Xiaoming, and Shang Tiantian, "Entrepreneurial Bricolage, Dynamic Capabilities and Disruptive Innovation: Theoretical Model," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 86-90, 2020.
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