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JOEBM 2020 Vol.8(3): 181-185 ISSN: 2301-3567
DOI: 10.18178/joebm.2020.8.3.634

The Application of Designated Manager System on Protection Forest Management at Saga Prefecture, Japan — From the Public-Private Partnership and Policy Implementation Approaches

Ching Li, Chiachi Cheng, and Yi-Chine Chu

Abstract—In 2003, Japanese government pointed out the Deigned Manager System to emphasize the importance of combining national and private ability to raise the public benefits and increase citizen participation rates. In addition, Forest Agency hopes to make use private ability to realize the diversified management of forest business, those are the backgrounds of public-private partnerships of forest management in Japan. The purpose of this study was to discuss the application of the Designated Manager System on protection forest management at Saga Prefecture, Japan. The study took Nijinomatsubara Pine Forest and Saga 21 Century Kenminnomori Forest Learning Center as the examples, attempted to define the roles of each organization, the public values, and the co-governors on the policy implication processes. This study applied document analysis and interview with government officers and NPO managers. This study found, the governments played different roles to integrate process for different public value, in Nijinomatsubara, local government plays the role as a communication person between government and locals; in the case of Kenminnomori Forest Learning Center, local government plays the role as a provider, provides the wellness place to NPO and citizens for learning forest related knowledge. Also, vary with issue initiation, each NPO niche abilities for co-governers, Nijinomatsubara’s NPO have basically ecological environment knowledge and activity integration ability, the NPO of Saga Forest Learning Center have professional forest related knowledge and woodworking ability. Both of these 2 cases aim to widen range of public participation. Therefore, PPP not only the idea for taking advantage of private organization or the NPO only want to get benefits from governments, but share the value within government, NPO and citizens, and widen the range of public participation.

Index Terms—Public private partnership, designed manager system, protection forest, public values.

C. Li is with Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail: T94002@ntnu.edu.tw). C. C. Cheng is with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan (e-mail: chen50no1@gmail.com). Y. C. Chu is with Forest Administration Division, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail: Joyce2008i@gmail.com).


Cite:Ching Li, Chiachi Cheng, and Yi-Chine Chu, "The Application of Designated Manager System on Protection Forest Management at Saga Prefecture, Japan — From the Public-Private Partnership and Policy Implementation Approaches," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 181-185, 2020.

Copyright © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).

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