Abstract— This present article is about knowledge sharing in an engineering company. Based on key concepts of knowledge management and theories of knowledge in organizations, the study sought to identify favoring and hindering factors of the leadership indicator for the sharing of knowledge at an engineering firm. Semi-structured interviews with coordinators and staff members were carried out. A qualitative analysis was then performed, which highlighted that the behavior of knowledge sharing, in the point of view of the coordinators, is part of the company’s practice, while for the staff members this indicator represented an obstacle for the sharing of knowledge. The following were identified as facilitating factors for the sharing of knowledge: Management towards knowledge and leadership development. The barriers found were: the lack of systemic thinking and the absence of exchange between teams.
Index Terms— Knowledge, knowledge sharing, leadership.
Zenólia Maria de Almeida is with Universidade do Alto Douro e Tras -os –Montes (e-mail: zenalmeida@gmail.com).
Cite: Mônica Figueiredo de Melo, Zenólia Maria de Almeida, Ana Carolina Silva, Ana Beatriz de Souza Gomes Brandão, and Michelline Freire Moraes, " Leadership and Knowledge Sharing: A Case Study," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 187-191, 2013.