Abstract— The current research paper proposes two models for the determinants of E-banking Loyalty for large business customers. The results demonstrated that five main quality dimensions were identified for the e-banking portals: assurance, reliability, convenience and quality monitoring by the financial director of the company. The results also confirm that e-banking quality has a strong impact on e-banking loyalty via the mediating effect of e-trust and switching costs have strong a impact on e-banking loyalty. Further our findings also suggest that interpersonal relationships generated between the bank manager and the decision maker of the company have a strong impact on the perceptions of service quality in online banking, and will also affect positively E-Banking Loyalty.
Index Terms— Banking, e-loyalty, e-banking quality.
A. Fragata is with CI&DETS – Polythecnic Institute of Viseu – Portugal (e-mail: afragata@estgl.ipv.pt).
E. Moustakas is with Faisal University in Al Hassa – Saudi Arabia (e-mail:vmoustakas@gmail.com).
Cite: A. Fragata and E. Moustakas, " Investigating the Determinants of e-Banking Loyalty for Large Business Customers: Two Empirical Models," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 204-208, 2013.