Abstract—The seemingly ‘magical’ developments of the World Wide Web have challenged the computer science researchers, analysts, designers and developers to think outside the box and apply their creativity. One of the main sectors that have paid great attention to the World Wide Web is the advertisement sector. Online advertisement is known to be one of the major incomes for many companies, social networks and search engines online. This paper proposes a framework that provides adaptive advertisements to be displayed to online users based on their social network profiles via creating an individual user model for each user. The framework was built based on literature research and an exploratory study conducted with actual web users. The framework is a layered model, where each layer provides a different functionality, but works towards a homogenous outcome of adaptive ads.
Index Terms—Adaptive systems, e-advertisement , proposed framework, social networks.
Dana A. Al Qudah and Alexandra I. Cristea are with Department of computer science, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL (e-mail: D.AL-QUDAH, A.I.CRISTEA@WARWICK.AC.UK).
Cite:Dana A. Al Qudahand Alexandra I. Cristea, "MyAds—A Proposed Adaptive Social Online Advertising Framework," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 401-405, 2013.