Abstract—This study explores creative industries studies by
analyzing 20,345 citations of 999 articles published in SCI and
SSCI journal in web services area between 2003–2012, These
amount database conducts citation and co-citation analysis to
identify the most important publications, scholars, and research
themes in the creative industries and then maps the intellectual
structure of creative industries studies between 2003–2012. In
this study the author adopted bibliometric [1], social network
and tag clouds analysis techniques to investigate the intellectual
pillars of the web services literature. The results of the mapping
can help identify the research direction of creative industries
and helps profile the invisible network of knowledge production
in creative industries and provides important insights on
current research paradigms of creative industries studies.
Index Terms—Creative industries, intellectual structure,
bibliometric, tag clouds, paradigms
The authors are with the College of Management, Chang Jung Christian
University, Taiwan, R. O. C (e-mail: philosophysun@yahoo.com.tw).
Cite:Chin-Yu Chen and Jwu-Jenq Chen, "The Intellectual Structure of Creative Industries Studies in
2003–2012: Invisible Taiwan," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 26-30, 2014.