Abstract—It has become increasingly important for
organizations to make sure that they engage their employees in
activities and programs which further encourage them to
perform and reach their optimum potential in achieving the
goals and the objectives of the organization, and more
importantly, to stay loyal to the organization. The loss of
employees to resignations is one of the major causes of increase
in the overhead and training expenses of a organization, and it
is important for organizations to explore into possible ways that
they can guarantee employee loyalty. HRM is also an important
stakeholder, and much of the efforts in maintaining employee
loyalty should come from the department which understand
employee needs the most.
This study aims to delve into the concepts of employee loyalty,
including the factors which motivate the employees to stay with
the organization. The study employs a quantitative approach
into the said factors, with the categories explored in the
quantitative survey comprising of general loyalty motivators,
personal motivators, HR relations, and HR and management
activities motivators. A survey was conducted among 450
employees of private sector organizations in Dammam, Saudi
Arabia, and based on the findings of the study it can be said that
the private sector organizations may like to focus on creating
conducive atmosphere, and grant maximum fulfillment and
contentment which can encourage the employees to enjoy their
job and that leads to employees’ satisfaction. This is very
important in retaining employees.
Index Terms—Employees loyalty, human resources
management, private organizations, Saudi Arabia.
Sami Albahussin is with the College of Business Administration,
University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: sbahussain@ud.edu.sa).
Cite:Sami A. Albahussain, "The Impact of Human Resources Management Activities
on Employees Loyalty in Private Organizations in Saudi
Arabia," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 31-37, 2014.