Abstract—The present study explores Greek dyslexic
children’s ability to identify orthographic violations in the
ultimate and the penultimate syllable of derived nouns and
pseudo –nouns in nominative and genitive cases of singular and
plural number when they were attending grade 6 at primary
schools, as well as their progress18 months later. In order to
evaluate dyslexics’ orthographic ability to represent the derived
words with the appropriate suffixes three tasks were used. The
first task involved identification of derived nouns with the
violation or no in the penultimate or ultimate syllable in a paper
and pencil task. Subjects were to decide whether the word in the
second column was a correct derived form of the word
presented in the first column. The articles preceding nouns in
the second column guided subjects to decide on the general
orthographic rule as it notes gender and the number, and words
in the first column (verbs or nouns) guided students on the
orthography of the penultimate syllable. In the same token, the
second task involved identification of the derived pseudo-nouns
resulting again from the pseudo words given in the first column.
Articles in the second column as well as pseudo-nouns and
pseudo-verbs guided the subjects. The third condition examined
the use of derived nouns in a sentence completion close test.
Subjects used the nouns and the verbs given in blankets to
formulate the appropriate derived nouns. Suffixes errors were
coded as orthographic processing, phonological processing,
combined type and stress omission/misplacement. Eighteen
months later the follow up test revealed a significant
improvement on the orthography of the derived nouns with
consonant change at morpheme boundaries,
as well as, on the
orthographic rules of the ultimate syllable of the pseudo word
Index Terms—Greek language, dyslexia, inflectional
morphology, orthography.
Grammenou Anastasia is with the Democritus University of Thrace,
Department of Primary Education, N. Chili, Alexandroupolis, Greece, TK
68100 (e-mail: agrammen@eled.duth.gr).
Cite: Grammenou Anastasia, "Dyslexics’ and Normally Developing Children’s Acquisition of the Inflectional Noun Morphology in the
Greek Language," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 289-296, 2014.