Abstract—This study aimed (i) to examine the relationship
between parental readiness, parental care, and adolescent
school performance; and (ii) to test the role of parental care as
mediator between parental readiness to commute and the
adolescent school performance. Quantitative test was employed
in this study, which included correlation study design and path
analysis. Two sets of questionnaires were used to gather the
information from adolescent (Parental Care) and parent
(Parental Readiness) among the commuter families. However,
the adolescent school performance provided by the school
management. Pearson Correlation Test was first conducted to
analyse the relationship between research variables and path
analysis was that used to test the mediation effect. A total of 217
parent-adolescent (dyadic relationship) respondents from
commuter families in Peninsular Malaysia were included in this
study. The findings showed that all correlations were
statistically significant and analysis of structural equation
modeling revealed full mediation model of parental care
between parental readiness and adolescent school performance.
The total direct effect was 0.11; whilst the total indirect effect
was 0.3213. This implicates the importance of mediation effect
between parental readiness, parental care and adolescent school
performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
study conducted in Malaysia to investigate the mediation effect
on parental care between their readiness to commute against
adolescent school performance. Our earlier study suggested a
different lifestyle between commuter and conventional family
model in Malaysia. Therefore, the importance of parental
readiness and their roles in commuter families need to be
addressed to ensure the lifestyle of commuter families in
Malaysia do not affect adolescent school performance.
Index Terms—Parental readiness, parental care, commuter
Siaw Yan Li, Samsilah Roslan, and Maria Chong Abdullah are with the
University Putra Malaysia 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia under Faculty
of Educational Studies (e-mail: ylsiaw@gmail.com,
samsilah@putra.upm.edu.my, maria@putra.upm.edu.my).
Haslinda Abdullah is with the University Putra Malaysia under Faculty of
Human Ecology (e-mail: lynn@putra.upm.edu.my).
Cite: Siaw Yan Li, Samsilah Roslan, Maria Chong Abdullah, and Haslinda Abdullah, "Parental Readiness, Parental Care, and Adolescent School
Performance among Commuter Families in Malaysia: A
Mediation Model," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 297-301, 2014.