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JOEBM 2015 Vol.3(3): 326-330 ISSN: 2301-3567
DOI: 10.7763/JOEBM.2015.V3.204

Household Saving Behavior and Determinants of the Forms of Saving and Investment in Thailand

Nathridee Suppakitjarak and Piyarat Krishnamra

Abstract—This study investigates the household savers of saving level, saving objectives, forms of saving, the determinants of the forms of saving, including consistency between the risk-return concept and the investing decision. The results show that average saving rate was 29.17% of income and they were familiar with many forms of saving and investments available. The main purpose of savings was for post-retirement spending. Respondents used own decision, together with information provided by bank staff, to select forms of saving and investment. Savers tended to invest more in conventional saving forms, such as bank deposits, insurance policies, gold and properties, than in financial assets such as government bond, mutual fund, corporate bonds, and stock. However, as income levels rose, respondents tended to save less in conventional forms of saving and more toward capital market. Investors also recognized the high return nature of investing in financial assets, but savers have no interest to these types of investments owing to the high risk character, complicated investment process, and high initial investment. However, the highest proportion of savings was allocated to properties (real estate. Savers also perceived that their physical assets generated higher returns and are less risky than financial assets.

Index Terms—Saving, saving behavior, saving instruments.

Nathridee Suppakitjarak is with the Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (e-mail: nathridee@acc.chula.ac.th).


Cite: Nathridee Suppakitjarak and Piyarat Krishnamra, "Household Saving Behavior and Determinants of the Forms of Saving and Investment in Thailand," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 326-330, 2015.

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