Abstract— This study has three major outcomes, the first major outcome of the research is the comparison of countries in Balkan region by some characteristic differences between the mobile phone users, market structures and profitability of mobile operators. The second major outcome is the normalization of mobile operator actions and comparing different operators from different countries with respect to their normalized success. The third major outcome of study is first time collecting the web and social network activeness of companies and building a internet activeness model like number of Facebook shares, number of tweets mentioning operator, number of followers in linked-in, number of unique daily visitors to the web page of operator, number of backlinks from Google, Yahoo or Bing, the Google page rank and so on. We collected all these data and analyzed to build our model of internet activeness from 43 different operators in 13. We believe the analysis are useful for all businesses in these markets, which are related to the internet connection, mobile phone users, telecom operators or e-business. Also a cross-country comparative study can be useful for further market analysis and political and/or macroeconomic studies.
Index Terms— Business intelligence, ICT, social network analysis, mobile phone operators, GSM penetration rate.
Sadi Evren Seker is with the Department of Business, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: academic@sadievrenseker.com).
Atik Kulakli is with the Department of Business, American University of Middle East, Kuwait (e-mail: atik.kulakli@aum.edu.kw ).
Cite: Sadi Evren Seker and Atik Kulakli, " Macroeconomic ICT Facts and Mobile Telecom Operators via Social Networks and Web Pages," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 99-103, 2016.