Abstract— The aim of this study is to examine the impact of perceived ethical leadership and trust in leader on job satisfaction. For this aim, in the theoretical part, ethical leadership, trust, trust in leader, and job satisfaction are explained. In the application part, a questionnaire including the measures of the ethical leadership, trust in leader and job satisfaction is distributed to middle level managers working in the member of Corporate Governance Association of Turkey companies applying corporate governance principles. It is found that perceived ethical leadership and trust in leader have a positive impact on job satisfaction, and trust in leader has a mediating role between the relation perceived ethical leadership and job satisfaction.
Index Terms— Ethical leadership, job satisfaction, trust, trust in leader.
Uğur Yozgat is with the Department of Management and Organization, Business Faculty, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey (e-mail: uguryozgat@ marmara.edu.tr).
Gülen Meşekıran was with Okan University, Turkey (e-mail: gulenm@bilkent.edu.tr).
Cite: Uğur Yozgat and Gülen Meşekıran, " The Impact of Perceived Ethical Leadership and Trust in Leader on Job Satisfaction," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 125-131, 2016.