• ISSN: 2301-3567 (Print), 2972-3981 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: J. Econ. Bus. Manag.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/JOEBM
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Eunjin Hwang
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    • Abstracting/ Indexing:  CNKIGoogle ScholarCrossref
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    • E-mail: joebm.editor@gmail.com
JOEBM 2016 Vol.4(8): 486-490 ISSN: 2301-3567
DOI: 10.18178/joebm.2016.4.8.440

Technology-Based-firms Located off Technology Development Zones: Reasons for not being A Part of Technology Development Area in Turkey

Mehmet A. Ozyurt, Basak Cetinguc, Eyup Calik, and Fethi Calisir

Abstract— Being prevalent around the world, science and technology parks have been built up and developed under various names in different regions. Turkey has kept pace with this trend, with the seeds of the first science park being sown in the 1980s. In 2001, all techno parks, science parks and techno policies were gathered under the same roof of technology development zones (TDZs) by Turkish law. According to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, by 2014, there are more than 3000 firms in 55 TDZs. Firms in TDZs benefit from various government promotions and several tax dispensations granted by law. In spite of these incentives, the number of located-in firms is less than expected. For this reason, this study aims to focus on the reasons for not being a part of technology development areas among technology based firms that are located off science parks. The differing reasons for not being a tenant of a TDZ among several sectors and firm sizes is the main concern of this study. The sample consists of 159 technology-based firms from nine different sectors. Analysis of variance is conducted to test the hypotheses. It is found that some sectors show differences in reference to six of the eight different reasons for not being a part of a TDZ, while there is no difference between firms in terms of size.

Index Terms— Technology development zones, reasons for not being a tenant of TDZs, Turkey.

Mehmet A. Ozyurt is with Space Science Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: maozyurt@gmail.com).
Basak Cetinguc is with Industrial Engineering Department, University of Yalova, Yalova, Turkey (e-mail: basak.cetinguc@yalova.edu.tr)
Eyup Calik with Industrial Engineering Department, University of Yalova, Yalova, Turkey (e-mail: ecalik@yalova.edu.tr) Fethi Calisir is with Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: calisirfet@itu.edu.tr).


Cite: Mehmet A. Ozyurt, Basak Cetinguc, Eyup Calik, and Fethi Calisir, " Technology-Based-firms Located off Technology Development Zones: Reasons for not being A Part of Technology Development Area in Turkey," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 486-490, 2016.

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