This study examined the relationship among privacy calculus (including risk, benefit and value of information disclosure), prior privacy experience, user interface quality, perceived value and intention of mobile shopping. Through survey, this study collected 228 valid responses to test the hypotheses. The results showed that prior privacy experience positively impacted risk of information disclosure, benefit and risk of information disclosure positively and negatively impacted value of information disclosure respectively. User interface quality has a positive effect on perceived value and intention of mobile shopping; however, it influenced value of information disclosure negatively with an unexpected direction. Finally, value of information disclosure impacted positively perceived value of mobile shopping, which in turn affected intention of mobile shopping. The findings provided implications and suggestions for marketing practice.
Index Terms—
Privacy calculus, information disclosure, user interface quality, perceived value.
The authors are with National Pingtung University, Taiwan (e-mail: cylin@mail.nptu.edu.tw;jenyiny@gmail.com, itingyou@gmail.com).
Ching-Yi Lin, Jen-Yin Yeh, and Yi-Ting Yu, "
The Influence of Privacy Calculus, User Interface Quality and Perceived Value on Mobile Shopping," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 4, no. 10, pp.
567-572, 2016.