Abstract— Repayment of loan has been difficult requiring use of strategies by lending institutions. The study focused on the effect of appraisal, follow up, information communication technology and personnel training strategies on loan repayment of youth enterprise development fund. It provides insights towards efficient fund management and important to researchers, academicians and policy makers. McKinsey 7s model, descriptive research design, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used. Target population was 950 youth and 5 staff and a sample size of 95. Questionnaire was valid and reliable for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were tools for analysis and frequency distribution tables were used to present data. Management strategies positively determine loan repayment to a low extent. The values of t- statistics were not significantly different from 0, p values were more than 0.05 and null hypothesis was accepted. Loan repayment was below average and effective measures and mechanisms were recommended.
Index Terms— Africa, Kenya, descriptive research design, strategy dimension in repayment of loan, strategic management.
Chris Simon Sitienei kipkorir is with the Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya (e-mail: kipkorircss@gmail.com). Josphat Kipkirui Teigutwo is with the Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited, Kenya (e-mail: jteigutwo@yahool.com).
Cite: Kipkorir Sitienei Chris Simon and Josphat Kipkirui Teigutwo, " Strategy Dimension in Repayment of Financial Credit: Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Kipkelion West, Kenya," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 235-240, 2017.